If you are a teacher in Salt Lake County or Utah County, you need a therapist. It is time to prioritize your health. Whether you are looking for tools to work with a challenging class or student, or you are feeling the frustrations of working for a challenging administrator or School District, or the pressure of an ever-changing curriculum. We can help.
Teachers are particularly susceptible to caregiver fatigue and burnout. Caregivers who have reached a burnout point typically feel physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion. This exhaustion is a direct result of a person neglecting their own physical and emotional health in order to care for others. Teachers are at the epicenter of this, especially since the pandemic. We know how challenging it can be to provide ongoing care for others, especially in the school system. Our therapists are dedicated to providing you with the support you need to continue working with children and teens.
Unified Family Therapy offers a program dedicated to providing teachers tools to work with challenging students, manage stress, and prioritize emotional and physical care so they can keep loving their jobs.
If you are a teacher or administrator in Salt Lake County or Utah County, we can help you enjoy your work again. We even offer convenient virtual sessions that you can squeeze into your busy schedule. If you are worried about insurance, you are covered. We work with EMI and can assure you that getting the care you need is not as expensive as you think.
Give us a call today.