In order to understand if you need trauma therapy, it is important to understand what trauma is and who can be affected by it. Individual trauma stems from an event, a series of events, or specific circumstances perceived as physically or emotionally harmful, or life-threatening. This can leave lasting adverse effects on one’s physical, emotional, mental, social, or spiritual well-being.
Understanding Trauma: The Three E’s of Trauma
- Events- This encompasses actual or extreme threats of physical or psychological violence.
- Experience of Events- It involves how an individual labels or assigns meaning to the act of violence.
- Adverse Effects- These effects may manifest immediately or with a delay, and they can be either short-term or long-lasting.
Impact of Trauma on Individuals
Trauma can significantly affect various aspects of an individual’s life, including emotional health, occupational skills, social skills, mental health, physical health, and cognitive functioning. The brain, in survival mode, triggers responses known as flight, fight, or freeze, influencing the entire body. People may exhibit unexpected behaviors, which can evolve over time in response to trauma. It’s crucial to recognize that a trauma response is a normal reaction to an abnormal event. If you are wondering if you would benefit from therapy, give us a call. We can answer any questions you have and help guide you to the right resources.
Seeking Support at Unified Family Therapy
Unified Family Therapy understands the challenges associated with trauma, and we’re here to help. Our team comprises experienced therapists equipped to assist both adults and children in navigating through traumatic events. If you or someone you know has experienced trauma, our skilled professionals are ready to provide support and guide the healing process. Don’t hesitate to reach out; help is available.